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Showing posts from December, 2021

Job Interviews

 All of us reach a moment in career when we need to pass interview. It may be tough, stressful process that we want to finish faster. Personally, I feel enthusiastic about interviews. Why? Let me share my viewpoint in this post (when I say 'interviews' it is mainly about 'engineering job interviews').  Initially, I divide job interviews into 2 categories:  external - when you want to get into a new company internal - when you want to pass an interview for promotion inside your current company.  Despite to the category, you of course need a solid technical preparation. Everyone has own approach to technical preparation while I may suggest to write key points by hand. The purpose is not to reread these records later but mainly to remember the information in a structured format as we structure records in a paper. I will not write about resources for preparation as different position and companies have different requirements. Just google it, and do some research. ...

OOP from non-technical angle

 If you have been exposed to software coding/designing  then you probably have heard about OOP. OOP - Object Oriented Programming, is a programming paradigm that builds the structure of application and handles communication between modules by the usage of classes and objects.  Now, in simple words. Let's start with comparison. There are other programming paradigms as Functional programming or Procedural programming . So, why OOP is overwhelmingly popular compared to other paradigms whereas almost all popular programming languages(PL) are either fully designed based on OOP concepts or partially supports it.  First of all, OOP is one of the most researched and consistent paradigms(snowball effect). Where have it started? The main influencers of the start of hype around OOP were big tech companies and PLs they primarily used. Microsoft with C++ (later with C#), Oracle with Java, Apple with Objective C. But, we still have not found the root reason. Why these companies h...

Do you need to attend university?

 The short answer is YES . However, there are many niceties and details. This post will be about them. What is university(in the context of IT related fields)? It is a educational institution that gives particular set of technical or non-technical skills and diploma on successful graduation.  However, this has ceased to be true in last years. Taking into consideration recent tendencies, universities' academic plan cannot change as fast as trending technologies in IT market. Therefore, they tend to focus more on fundamental principles whereas specific technology related subjects quickly become outdated. Short-length online/offline courses offer newer and more relevant technical knowledge. They might be more cost and time effective if your prime goal is getting first job. Current IT market allows specialists to develop software without deep technical knowledge in Computer Science. Before dropping your university let me explain why universities are still relevant choice. Primaril...

How? Where? When?

 This post will(or at least tries to) answer to the question from the title in context of starting career in IT.  To start with, let's discuss some common misconceptions: You need to have an inborn talent to become IT specialist - IT jobs are nothing but regular jobs as jobs in Medicine, Sport or Law. And like doctors, sportsmen or lawyer you need to be engaged to what you do in order to become a qualified specialist.  You need to have full technical knowledge to work in IT - image of geek programmers is left at 60s. Now, IT is more than just development software. You may be an accountant, HR manger, recruiter, project manager, QA, consultant, and still work in IT. For this positions you do not need to fully understand college course of mathematics. Taking into consideration recent trends, even for engineers soft skills and adaptability may be more preferable than specific technical skills.       How to start? There plenty of resources on the web that tea...

A little bit about myself

Let's get acquainted! Junior student at Inha University in Tashkent, Software Engineer at Exadel, web development enthusiast, and just a cool guy😅. But, you can just call me Abdujabbor. In this blog we will talk about development, engineering, programming, and IT in general. If words like Frontend, SOLID, CI/CD do not scare you, you are in right place. If these words still scare you, stay tuned anyway, it is the best time to start.  In the first post, I will talk about my experience in a programming, and briefly introduce to technologies I used and my interests. My first experience in programming was in high school with C++. Like a true oldschool programmer I decided to start with low level programming language(PL),  and also because it was the only non-fiction book I found at home while I was sick for a month. Reading the book and writing code was quite fun and challenging. When my first program successfully compiled and showed output I felt so satisfied, and understood what...